your packaging engineering partner
11 avenue la Paix
Phone: 04 72 08 19 19
SASU with capital of 624,000 euros
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Director of publication: Sylvie GUINARD
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Come and visit us at DJAZAGRO the trade show for agro food production.
We will HALL C booth A070
Thimonnier will exhibit in CFIA, at the french benchmark event for the food-processing sector.
Come to visit our booth HALL10 C28 !
2025 !
A new year for new projects
Thimonnier will exhibit in ALL4PACK fair in order to present its filling solutions in flexible packaging for food, cosmetics, detergents, industry and healthcare.
On Friday 5 July, Eric DUHOO, MD, gave 4 donations to 4 associations supported by Thimonnier employees as part of his internal operation "COUP DE POUCE A MON ASSO".